A Smarter way to track devices.
ELF is a tiny Bluetooth tracker that helps to find your lost stuffs in seconds. Attach, stick or place ELF inside everyday items and keep track of them in our easy to use app.
Attach ELF to any important everyday items like Keys, Wallet or other which are sometimes tough to find. Using “FIND ME” button in the App, anyone can get the things back easily. If device is out of range then an alert will come in the mobile device.
Searching mobile devices sometimes nightmare to us. By pressing the switch in the back side of the device, person can get an alert in mobile device.
If the device is out of range then the person will get an alert with the GPS location where it’s get disconnected last time. This uses GPS feature from Paired Smart phone.
Easy to track the important devices
Send signal from your Smartphone APP to get the device easily.
Easy to track your Mobile devices
Press the switch, ringtone will play in the mobile device.
Locating lost devices with GPS
Device out of range, get the location of devicse it’s disconnected last time.

- BLE Enabled
- E2-s Keyfinder App support
- Low power consumption
- Battery status detection
- User selectable Audio indication
- User selectable Visual indication
- Compact size
- Easy to use